Receiving a cash benefit

Long-term care benefit recipients are able to receive all or part of the benefit in cash instead of nursing services.

Benefit rate and selection options vary according to the level of your benefit.

If you receive a level 1 benefit:

 you can receive a benefit amounting to NIS 1,572 per month instead of long-term care services, or trade some care hours for money - each care hour is worth NIS 286 per month.

If you receive a level 2 - 6 benefit, two options are available to you:

  • Exchange 4 weekly hours for benefit in cash
  • Exchange a third of your hours in cash benefit - this option requires the review and approbation of a social worker of the National Insurance Institute.
    At these levels, each care hour is worth NIS 229 per month.
For instance, if you were granted a level 3 long-term care benefit, you will be able to receive 11 care hours per week as well as a monthly benefit of NIS 915 , instead of 15 care hours per week.

For more information about benefit rate based on you level of entitlement, click here.

Please note,

  • Those receiving approval for a full cash benefit, can combine other services such as day center, panic button, absorbent products and laundry services.
  • In exceptional cases where personal care at home may not be received due to the elderly distress, one may demand to receive a full benefit in cash. You need to contact us by means of the website and enclose medical documents or by telephone at *2637, and one of our social worker will call you back.

Receiving a full cash benefit for those who employ a full-time caregiver

You may receive the entire long-term care benefit in cash if you employ a full-time caregiver, under the following conditions:

  • The caregiver is employed at least 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. 
  • The caregiver is not a family member. 
  • The caregiver is paid a wage under a written contract.
  • If you are employing a foreign worker - you need to hold a permit to employ foreign worker from the Population and Immigration Authority + a certificate that the foreign worker is assigned to you (staffing). Besides, the worker must be residing in Israel legally. For more information, click here.

Please note, if you are waiting for the ruling of the Humanitarian Commission of the Populations and Immigration Authority regarding the permit, you may receive a benefit until the Commission's ruling. If it ruled against your permit application and you have a judgment suspending execution against the foreign worker or allowing a period of preparation - you can continue to receive the benefit.

Benefit rates as of Jan 01, 2025:

​Level of entitlement
​Maximum benefit rate for employer of foreign caregiver
Maximum benefit rate​ for employer of an Israeli caregiver
NIS 1,572
NIS 1,572
NIS 2,286
NIS 2,286
NIS 3,201 NIS 3,887
NIS 4,116 NIS 4,802
NIS 5,030
NIS 5,945
NIS 5,945
NIS 6,860

Submitting an application to receive a cash benefit

If you employ a full-time caregiver, you need to submit to the National Insurance Institute a claim for cash benefit payment to persons employing a full-time caregiver, in order to obtain the benefit in cash.

The benefit is paid on your bank account every 28 of the month. Payment date of the benefit may change for some months of the year due to holidays. Dates of payment are updated on the calendar of benefit payments (in Hebrew)